After applegeddon last season, we were expecting a light year in '24. But no! Amazingly, there's another heavy crop of nearly all varieties of apples this year!

Get 4lb. each week as we cycle through the many selections of our organic apples. Fresh sweet cider will begin the first week of September as well. Pickup will be on Sundays at the Squirrel Hill Farmers Market 9-1, Wednesdays on the Northside, ShadoBeni 1534 Brighton Rd. 3-7, Franklin Ave. in Wilkinsburg Wed. 3-7:30, or at the farm Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays where you can come any time and get your apples from the barn cooler where they are marked with your name.
You can start at any time. Signup with this google form.
A $20 deposit for the CSA is requested. This will be applied to the apples and cider.
After signup write a check to:
After the Fall Cider
257 Zeigler Road
Rochester, PA 15074
OR pay deposit online via this link
The apple lineup in order of first to last in the season.
Late July-Early August. Yellow, very juicy. Absolute best pie apple out there. Juicy!

Early August right after Pristines. Big '24 crop. Amazingly sweet for an early apple.

Similar to Summer Rambo. Mid- August. Somewhat tart complex flavor. Light '24 crop.

Our main season apple for decades. Purplish color with crisp white sweet/tart flesh. End of August-September. Similar to a McIntosh. Tastes like an apple should! Crunch!

Crimson Crisp
Red as the name suggests! Sweet subacid goodness comes in late early September. Smaller apples in '24.

Mid-September-October. Similar to the old standard-- Jonathan. Sweet and deep red with yellowish flesh. Some think these make the best applesauce--with reddish tinge. Bears tremendous loads.

Last apple to mature—mid to late November. Incredible, complex flavor. Highest brix (sugar) yet brings so much flavor along with it! Our favorite. Will store until spring.
