Book an event with Maria and be introduced both to our farm and an up-and-coming alternative to beer, wine, and other spirits. You might actually fall for it...

Speak to the English or French. Sparkling hard cider is a refreshing and unique beverage in it's own right! It's being rediscovered by young American brewers as they add unique apple varieties long valued for their use in cider making.
Tour the newly planted orchards for varieties like Goldrush, Dabinette, Red Lady, and others. Some have been brought from across the "pond". Others are resurrected old American favorites from a century ago.
Enjoy a glass of this champagne-like beverage in the beautiful new tasting room. Flooring, live edged tables, and wood for beam and walls is all from the farm. See the 19th century timber framed barn. Admire the 60' virgin timber beams in the hand-hewn structure! Extinct American chestnut abounds.
Help write a fresh chapter in local cusine, partaking in a trend sweeping the country!
Apple cider was once far and away the most popular drink in our country. One historian reports that, in 1767, 1.14 barrels of cider per capita were drunk in Massachusetts! Surely this wasn't all sweet cider.