A unique opportunity for the experienced vegetable grower who's frustrated by lack of availability of land to farm. The 80 A farm itself will remain in a trust to be leased to whomever is actively farming for profit. Ideally, this would be a long term proposition, with rights by the lesee to continue in perpetuity. Eventually as Don and Becky cannot physically reside in the house, that too would be leased to the farmer. Details of this arrangement are being legally researched. Contact us if you have experience and are interested.

Infrastructure on the farm has been well maintained and consists of a large timber framed barn, machinery shed, heated greenhouse, 2 hi-tunnels. Farm pond provides irrigation water via electric pump and buried 3" main lines. Tractors and equipment of appropriate scale also available for lease separately, if desired. (85hp tillage tractors; 35hp utility tractor; 20hp cultivating tractors; 16x20' walk-in cooler; transplanters, seeders, cultivators, sidedressers, plastic layer, remover; etc. 27.4kW solar array provides electricity.

The Farmhouse
Need we say more--it's a beautiful, creative, and environmentally friendly home.
Becky's pride and joy has been the nearly continuously blooming perennials. House reminds Don of his student days in Austria. Self designed, with 2x6" walls and insulation, open floor plan, most hardwood floors, sunroom, 3 baths, 5BR, permanent roof, stone fireplace...